Year 1 Maths – National Curriculum

As children begin the National Curriculum in Y1, the mathematics curriculum will build on the learning that takes place in the Reception year. Here are some of the main things your child is likely to be taught during their time in Year 1.

Number and Place Value

Place value is central to mathematics.

  • Recognising that the digit ‘5’ in the number 54 has a different value from the number 5 or the ‘5’ in 504 is an important step in mathematical understanding.
  • Count, both forwards and backwards, from  any number, including past 100
  • Read and write numbers up to 100 as digits
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Find ‘one more’ or ‘one less’ than a number
  • Use mathematical language such as ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘most’, ‘least’ and ‘equal’.
  • Use the +, – and = symbols to write and understand simple number calculations.
  • Add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers, up to 20.
  • Solve missing number problems, such as 10 – ? = 6
  • Begin to use simple multiplication by organising and counting objects.
  • Understand ¼ and ½ to explain parts of an object or number of objects.
  • Use practical apparatus to explore different lengths, weights and volumes.
  • Use language such as ‘heavier’, ‘shorter’ and ‘empty’ to compare things they have measured.
  • Recognise the different coins and notes of British currency.
  • Use language of time, such as ‘yesterday’, ‘before’, days of the week and months of the year.
  •  Tell the time to the hour and half-hour, including drawing clock faces
  • Recognise and name some common 2-d shapes, such as squares, rectangles and triangles.
  • Recognise and name some common 3-d shapes, such as cubes, cuboids and spheres.
  • Describe movements, including quarter turns.

Parent Tip – How can I help at home? There are plenty of opportunities for maths practice at home, from counting objects to simple games, such as dominoes and Snakes & Ladders. You can also begin to explore using money and clocks both in play at home and when out and about.