
Mathematics Lead : Mrs V. Emms


At Kader Academy, we view Maths as an exciting adventure with each child at the center of their learning. The culture around mathematics is built on the belief that every child can achieve success, regardless of their starting point, with the right support and mindset. Our aim is to help children not only learn but also remember and apply their knowledge. Our creative lessons follow a mastery approach and our aim is to provide the children with as many opportunities to explore and engage with mathematical concepts as possible. We aim to develop fluency in the fundamentals of Maths through varied practice, quick recall and allowing opportunities for building a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. We aim that by mastering key skills early, our children are equipped to handle real-life situations, from managing money to interpreting data. We believe a strong foundation in Maths opens doors to future academic success and diverse career paths, whether in technology, finance, engineering or retail. Our aim is that children feel confident in Maths- empowering them to navigate challenges in their daily lives and future learning stages.


At Kader, we are committed to providing all of our students with a deep understanding of mathematics through an inclusive approach known as ‘Teaching for Mastery.’ We are an accredited NCETM (National Centre of Excellence for Teaching Mathematics) Sustaining Mastery School and our maths curriculum is underpinned by the ‘Five Big Ideas’ that are at the heart of this approach. These ideas help guide our teaching, ensuring that our students develop a solid foundation in mathematics that they can build on year after year. Staff use the Kader Maths Handbook document that maps out the progression from EYFS – Year 6.

As part of our approach, we recognise that in order for children to master a skill (especially in maths) they need to be able to explain and justify their understanding lots of times so that they can remember more and do more. An explicit opportunity for children to revisit learning is in the DART (Dedicated Active Recall Time) session which happens at the start of every maths lesson and can last anywhere between 5-20 minutes.

Oracy is at the heart of every subject, and, for maths, ‘Talk Time’ is utilised in all lessons across school and plays an important part in our children’s success. Alongside speaking and listening, we also recognise the power of storytelling in maths and each year group utilises a range of selected texts that support the teaching of key maths concepts. This approach allows the children to explore maths in the safety of a story – ultimately raising participation and confidence in mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills.

Staff use a range of high-quality resources throughout school and our consistent approach with concrete, visual and abstract resources allows the children to build on prior learning year-on-year. Staff use a lesson format of ‘I do. We do. You do.’ This ping-pong effect allows students to gradually take ownership of their learning: first observing the teacher; then working together and finally, applying their understanding independently with confidence. This inclusive approach to maths is what makes it accessible to all children, ensuring every student has the support they need to succeed.

Throughout Years 1-6 children are assessed on the National Curriculum objectives, staff use a system known as triple tracking. This ensures children are assessed correctly. This involves: reviewing children’s book work, teacher observations alongside low-stakes tests. This approach ensures that the teachers gain a holistic view of each child – understanding that one hat and one approach does not fit all.

In addition to daily maths lessons, KS1 children engage in a daily 15-minute Mastering Number session (NCETM), focused on developing their subitising skills and deepening their understanding of number patterns. Similarly, Years 4 and 5 participate in a daily 15-minute Mastering Multiplication session, which supports their fluency in multiplication facts. We understand that mastering these key mathematical facts is crucial, as they lay the foundation for future success in mathematics and help students develop the confidence to tackle more complex concepts.


The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum in Mathematics is based on Development Matters (September 2020 Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage).

In our EYFS setting, we take a tailored approach to delivering a mastery maths curriculum that encourages all children to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. We focus on building a solid foundation through concrete, visual and abstract representations, allowing children to explore mathematical ideas in a hands-on, engaging way. Subitising plays a key role in this process, as it helps children quickly recognise quantities without counting, supporting their understanding of number patterns and laying the groundwork for more advanced mathematical thinking. By using a consistent approach and providing opportunities for guided practice, we ensure that every child progresses at their own pace, mastering key skills before moving on to more complex concepts. This approach helps children build confidence and fosters a love for learning maths from the very beginning.

Please click here to see the progression of skills document for KS1 and KS2
Please click here to see the progression of skills document for EYFS

Impact: The approach at Kader will ensure that:
Children’s attainment in Mathematics is in line with national expectations or exceeding their potential when we consider their varied starting point.
Children will be academically and mentally prepared for their next stages of life – Reception, KS1, KS2, Secondary school, college or Modern Britain and the work place.
Children will understand the relevance of what they are learning in mathematics and how it links to everyday life.
Children will strive to develop a life-long love of learning of mathematics and use their skills to play an active, creative, responsible role in society.
Pupils will develop an understanding of mathematical concepts.
Pupils will use and apply knowledge and understanding across the subjects
Pupils will be able to reason logically and apply a systematic approach to problem solving.
Pupils will develop the ability to use and apply mental skills.
Pupils will be effective communicators of mathematical ideas, facts and concepts.
In addition to subject specific outcomes, the teaching of mathematics should also develop:
Ability to collaborate and cooperate with others.
Enthusiasm and self-confidence.
Open-mindedness, perseverance, responsibility and resilience.
Willingness to take risks and use initiative.
Develop logical thinking and arguments

Whole School Maths 

At Kader Academy, we pride ourselves on ensuring pupils leave us with a secure understanding of number and a strong sense of mathematical concepts. We strive to achieve this by following structures that supports mathematical concepts being introduced, where possible, in a concrete way and ensuring pupils become fluent with basic skills before moving on. Pupils engage with challenging problem solving and reasoning tasks to ensure a deepened understanding. Through this we ensure pupils move from pictorial methods to more abstract methods.

A Guide for Parents and Carers

For many years, parents have found themselves visiting school with their children only to hear themselves saying, “It’s not like when I was at school” and “That’s not how we were taught.”

Things change quickly in education, and at no time in the past 25 years has that been truer than September 2014 when the whole school curriculum changed for maintained schools throughout England. This guide is intended to support parents and carers of pupils at Kader Academy School know what their children will be learning about in mathematics lessons throughout the school. Obviously, it would be impossible to set out in detail everything a child would learn during their time at Kader, but by providing an outline of typical content and some background information about how the mathematics curriculum and assessment works, hopefully it will help parents and carers to support their children in making the most of their education.

What’s changed?

Maths remains very important and, together with English and Science is considered a core subject in both primary and secondary education. The National Curriculum (National curriculum in England: mathematics programmes of study – GOV.UK ( sets out in some detail what must be taught in each of these subjects, and they will take up a substantial part of your child’s learning week. Much of the publicity about the changes to the curriculum (which changed in 2014) has focussed on ‘higher expectations’ in various subjects, and it is certainly the case that in some areas the content of the ‘new’ primary mathematics curriculum is significantly more demanding than in the past. For example, there is now much greater focus on the skills of arithmetic and also on working with fractions.

In September 2021, The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage – AKA Nursery and Reception) progression of skills document (Development Matters Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (  was altered so children had a heavier focus on basic number skills due to the impact of the Pandemic.

My child is really good at maths. What will school do to develop my child’s mathematical skills?

If your child is achieving well, rather than moving on to the following year group’s work, we will encourage more in-depth and investigative tasks. Mastering maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject and at Kader, we believe this is achievable for all.

Want to know more about Mastery Maths?

Click here A video overview on teaching for mastery at primary | NCETM to listen to Debbie Morgan – Director of Primary Mathematics for the NCETM

Tests your Child Will Take

Like many schools, Kader Academy use tests (PiXL) at all stages of a pupil’s education.  For the most part, these are part of a normal classroom routine, and support teachers’ assessment. However, at certain stages of a child’s schooling there are also National tests which must be taken by all children in state schools. Often informally known as ‘SATs’, the National Curriculum Tests are compulsory for children at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. Children in these year groups will undertake tests in Mathematics, alongside those in Reading, and Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling. In Y2, the class teachers mark the tests and uses the results to inform their own assessments, however, in Y6, the tests will be sent away for marking, and results are reported to schools and parents at the end of the year.

The National Curriculum Tests for children in Year 2 and Year 6 will take place in Summer term in the month of May. Where previously these tests – and other teacher assessments were graded in levels (normally numbering between Level 1 and Level 6 in primary school), from 2016 the tests will be reported as a scaled score, with a score of 100 representing the expected level for each age group. At Kader Academy, we also use a PiXL data tracking system to measure progress in the intervening years. Schools will then provide accompanying information to parents to explain how children are progressing – it makes attending parents evening meetings each Autumn and Spring even more important.

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

The purpose of the check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12×12, which is essential for future success in mathematics and also the national expectation for children this age. It will also help your child’s teacher to identify if your child may need additional support. For further information about how, when and why the test will be administered, please click here. Information for parents: 2022 multiplication tables check (


Nursery and Reception aged children are assessed using the Development Matters Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (  document.