Dear Parents/Carers,

In case of the event the school has to close, your child is being sent home with a pack of work to complete. This will include Maths, Reading and Writing. We would appreciate it if you could encourage your child to spend some time completing the tasks. This is to ensure that they continue to develop their skills and knowledge throughout the closure.

Maths –

Reading –

  • Children encouraged to read for at least 15 minutes per day and record this in their reading record
  • Example reading tests are available on the Kader website if your child would like to challenge themselves.
  • Your child has been given various comprehensions to read and then answer questions to understand what they have read. Answers for these are available through the Kader website.
  • Read for pleasure whenever they get the chance.

Writing –

  • Your child has been given various SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) worksheets to complete when they can. Answers available through the Kader website.
  • Children are encouraged to write a book review whenever they can.

Resource sites primarily used by teachers have also opened access to parents/carers in the event of school closures, so this might be something you can utilise too:

Your support and co-operation is extremely grateful,


Year 5


Y5 homework grid

Comprehensions links 


Test 1

Test 2



Test 3