Good Afternoon!

Just a reminder that we will be setting Conquer Maths each week as usual. Lots of children have already completed this week’s tasks – well done to them! Please encourage your child to complete this as the tasks will be revisiting topics we have previously covered, and helping them to learn new skills. It is vital that they keep revising methods taught and number facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Purple Mash – Your child has been using Purple Mash throughout the year and they are very familiar with it.  We will set a couple of activities each week for the children to complete. They can also use this safe platform to message their school friends and keep in touch with us using 2Email.

Children also have access to J2e – an online learning platform. They have used this before and we would love them to log on and have a go at the different activities on offer so they become more familiar with the layout.

Should you require any log in details for your child, please contact us on the email address provided previously.

Finally, it has been lovely to look at the photos you have been sending in of your children keeping busy and active – keep them coming!

We hope that you are all staying safe, happy and healthy!

Mrs Donkanha, Mrs Scott and Miss Potter.